Who is capable to get the golden ball?

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Among these three players nominated for the golden ball, means Rolando, messi and rebury will bring it to home .But the question is that who is the capable player for achieving the golden ball of 2013?

According to estimation ronaldo have been selected as the best player of the year and his scored goals number also reached to this level last year. Portugal star in Real Madrid team in 56 games has scored 66 goals include 8 hit reeks.

Ronaldo was the only players who have relieved the golden ball in 2008 after Argentinean football player Lionel messi have relieved the golden ball for four consecutive times.

Ronaldo during the year was the best footballer and he shot the most and he had the best performance and his team was included among the best five teams in Europe.

This is not the only year that Ronaldo has active performance and scored many goals but, before that for many years he was among the best players of football in the world and was also capable to pause for other players in order to make chance and other players scored goals as well.       


About the author


Ibrahim Mahboob is founder of Esteqlal Football/Futsal clubs in Kabul.
He did earn his bachelor degree from Civil Engineering of Kabul Universities.
Mahboob was found the Esteqlal Futsal club in 2003 and joined to Footbal club in 2001.
Estqlal FC is second position in primary legal in Kabul.

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