who's responsible

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it's so important for me and the other people who've live in same cases like me in the Islamic republic condition ,with out at least freedom and reliefs. 

maybe some one think, political and any topics related to that.are the most favorite topics for me.but I want to say there's no less longing about political and whatever related to .

but I must confess that in spite of my wanted,anything's I will say related to the political.

we are like ever longing have a life with out any forced laws, either obby inescapable  or no second chance. 

and the worst circumstances caused by our gullty governments and other countries are the divestiture policy that non of them of governments feel except the poor people without any guilt but we must tolerance by forces. 

About the author


I was born on 30 March.1976 in IRAN ,Shiraz .now I haven't any job ,business or proper works to do .beacaue our country have a weak economy. with villainous governments. but it doesn't mean I am disapoint ,I have many abilities for made my futur .

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