Why bloat after eating salty?

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This is a frequent question, usually made women feel swollen from PMS and I think their condition is related to the amount of salt they consume. In fact, the correct answer from the medical point of view is quite different.
Water is 45-50% of the body weight of adult women and 55-60% of the body weight of adult men. About 50% of this amount of water is in the muscle, the skin 20% 10% in blood, and the remaining 20% ​​in the other organs.
Despite wide variations in food intake, the volume and composition of organic liquids are maintained within a very narrow, whereas wasting (urine, sweat etc.) just as much how much water ingested.In other words, the amount of a substance introduced into the body every day is equal to the amount removed or used orgnism, a process called homeostasis or equilibrium.
As a conclusion: if your kidneys are functioning normally, the amount of salt you eat should not make you feel bloated (although excess salt can have some adverse effects). Among other things, you can raise your pants because you ate too much ...

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