Why boys fail in college

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"Why boys fail in college ?" is a question that has been occupying the minds of several parents, teachers, writers and psychologists, for quite few measure now. Every person looks up for the circumstances that are primary reasons for failing in college. On a overall indicator, there are some reason due to these boys are fail.

First of all a major reason of failing of boys in college because of financial problems, bad health, nervous habits and wrong ambitions of their parents.  Because of the financial pressure, they find it hard to meet their college expenditures. Some of them give up study and others decide to earn, and search part time job they give their precious time in job and as a result they fail.
College dean can play an important role in college. He should help students to solve their health problems, financial problems (by giving of financial ads and scholarship) and problems in studies.

Lazy bluffers are the boys who do not care for their studies. They come to college just for fun of it. They waste their and other student time. The boys stop taking interest in their studies. So, they fail because of the wrong ambition. 

There are large number of student who are quick witted and had done well while at school. They do not understand the difference between school and college work and life. They think that they would pass through college with as little effort as they had done at school. This is not reality and they fail

The sportsmen students  are not clear about their aims about study and game. They should clearly decide what the college is for. If they are too much interested in sports, they should leave studies and become professional players.


The talented students must be made aware of all the causes of failures. They must be helped by scholarships to lessen the burden of studies expenses. They should be taught to take care of the opportunity they got for the studies.

One of the prime reasons behind boys failing in college is the sudden change of environment. In college everything is very different from school, from the way of teaching to the course curriculum. Most of the boys think that they will float through college as smoothly as they did through school and this over-confidence becomes one of the main reasons behind their failure.

Boys change their lives in college because of want of part, personality issues and certain circumstantial conditions. The cases of failures, yet, can be minimized if proper counseling is provided.

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