Why I dislike Technology and Why my next Non-Fiction will be about this subject.

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Technology is a great thing, and yes I do use it myself and in certain ways its brilliant, for one I wouldn't be writing this blog with ought the internet and I am able to promote the work I do and explore others work. But my point about Technology is that its becoming too mainstream, people aren't using it to explore different cultures, instead its become a social networking platform where people tell the whole world what there doing every second of there life, and because were all talking 24/7 to our friends on the internet when we actually see them there is nothing to talk about and we end up sitting there on our mobile phones searching the web for the next funny vine.

I feel that my generation of teenagers are the last generation to ever explore both sides society, When I was a child we had one computer with one game on which was chess, when I wanted to go onto the Internet you got the horrible dialup sound and then your mum would begin to screem at you because she wants to make a phone call. Because technology was at very early stages, when I was a child I would go out and play with my friends at the park to socialise, and interact. Where as I feel children growing up in todays society are being brought up in a world of high tech. With the latest consuls, laptops, the fastest internet etc etc. But because all of this children are unable to socialise unless they are glued to the latest game on the Games console, or chatting over social media websites, and within a few more years I think society will be unable to socialise with ought the use of technology.

This is already becoming clear as a lot of people now are afraid to pick up the phone, or talk to people face to face. This is clear as there is a lot more cases of anxiety problems with many young children, could this be because they aren't having the social skills to go out and build on there confidence with meeting new people because they don't have to because they can talk online?

I walked past a park the other day and it was heart breaking. The park had one child alone spinning around on the round about, Im guessing his mates are sitting at home on the console talking through the headset abusing some american guy. 

So my point is that technology is great, when its used in the correct manner. But society will slowly breakdown if something isn't done about it, because children just want to sit in and play the latest Cod instead of going out playing, or getting out a board game as that is "boring and rubbish"

Thank You for reading!

About the author


I am 19 years old and currently at staffordshire University where I study Media(Film)Production. I studied Film at college for two years where i gained many experiences. I enjoy many roles in the film industry, But I hope to have a career as a Producer, Gaffer, Sound or Camera. While…

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