Why Photography Matters!

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Photography is a great skill to have. Some people naturally have an in-built eye for perfect shots and angles, while others can achieve it by years of practice and hard work. Why photography matters is a very vast question that can be explained easily. It matters because visuals are as important as literature not just for others but for you as well. They capture the essence of your being in that moment in time and at a particular place. They concretize the smile of your loved one as they pass it to you when they see a camera in your hand. Photography ensures the encapsulation of moments and experiences in time and makes them infinite. You live and relive those moments and cherish them by looking at pictures for years to come. 

So grab a camera, set out and embark on new adventures. You can learn all you want through books, but experience is the only way to recharge and grow your mind, body and soul. And while you're out there building yourself, don't forget to click pictures!

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