Why Software Developers Choose Java ?????

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Java has been tested, refined, extended, and proven by a dedicated community of Java developers, architects and enthusiasts. Java is designed to enable development of portable, high-performance applications for the widest range of computing platforms possible. By making applications available across heterogeneous environments, businesses can provide more services and boost end-user productivity, communication, and collaboration—and dramatically reduce the cost of ownership of both enterprise and consumer applications. Java has become invaluable to developers by enabling them to:

Write software on one platform and run it on virtually any other platform
Create programs that can run within a web browser and access available web services
Develop server-side applications for online forums, stores, polls, HTML forms processing, and more
Combine applications or services using the Java language to create highly customized applications or services
Write powerful and efficient applications for mobile phones, remote processors, microcontrollers, wireless modules, sensors, gateways, consumer products, and practically any other electronic device

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