Why the Recent Bitcoin Crash is Normal

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Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto published the world’s first paper on bitcoin in 2008, many inquisitive folks have salivated at the ultimate promise of the cryptocurrency: privacy.

After all, the peer-to-peer electronic payment network allows users to send money to one another. These transactions are virtually untraceable, which has encouraged many to adopt bitcoin due to the fact that the money is not regulated by any government, leaving it untaxed and less exposed to inflation.

So what’s to stop someone from mining an infinite amount of bitcoin? Well, the cryptocurrency is limited by supply: there’s a finite amount of bitcoins that can be mined thanks to the currency’s algorithm. In this light, the currency retains significant value, particularly when compared to an institution like the Federal Reserve, which seemingly arbitrarily prints more money with no end in sight.

READ FULL HERE: www.coinfinance.com/news/why-the-recent-bitcoin-crash-is-normal

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