Won't Someone Think of the Lips?!

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   It's that time again, friends: time to feel the special mix of frustration, sadness, and hilarity that only Kylie Jenner can inspire. Because you know her lips? The ones that have been the source of rumors for so long before she finally confirmed that she had gotten lip injections, the ones that have been stuck with who knows how many needles and overlined into oblivion, the ones that did absolutely nothing to deserve any of that? Yeah, Kylie's not that into them anymore.

   In a recent video posted on her site, Kylie, if you can even stand it, said this:

   "You know what's weird? I've been into small lips lately. Like, I want them to look small, you know?"

   How ridiculous is ... She's so unbearably ... no, never mind. Let's not point out the tragic fact that Kylie did have small lips before she plumped them up to high heaven. Let's ignore all the time, nearly two years worth of it, that she spent making those lips look bigger in such a variety of ways. And most importantly, let's try to keep our exasperation at this girl in check. After all, it seems like she may really be regretting her questionable choices, and that's punishment enough, don't you think?