Word Play Is My Forte

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“But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.”
-Alan Watts

First off, let me just congratulate the San Francisco Giants on becoming World Series Champions of baseball last night. Were people excited? Uh.. haha, let’s just say the town erupted with enthusiasm.

In relation to the above quote, I kind of got inspired to write a new bubble. It has been a little while.

The fascinating thing about writing is that it is typically done when it is quiet, in a pretty tranquil zone. It’s not always like that, sometimes music or chatter can be in the background, but at least when I write, I always feel like it is quiet. I do all of my writing here on Bubblews, in my quiet zone, but feel more connected to people than ever.

Many of you share so much about your lives, in great detail, that how could one not feel a connection?

Why do written words hold so much more emotion than any other form of expression?

The words we choose are a direct correlation between how we are thinking at that time. A true view of oneself can be discovered through written words, in my humble opinion.

Why did you choose to use the word love, instead of like? Or ecstatic versus excited?

It is amazing going through and reading your posts. I have found that many people go through similar experiences, but explain them in different ways. This shows personality and charisma really comes through when we write. Maybe because that tranquil zone that writing gives you allow you to put your guard down a bit and release.

There are only so many emotions in the human spirit, however there are hundreds of thousands of words (English language) to describe how you feel. Is that not incredible? We have 26 letters that we put in different ways to describe our feelings.

I have noticed with me that I don’t really know how I feel about something until I actually write it out. Therapeutic? Maybe. Necessary? Absolutely. If you feel the same way, then you’re like me.

Vocal communication is also important, however you really don’t get enough time to think about how you feel before you describe something. There is something suspiciously magical about written words especially when the person scripting really cares about what they are trying to express.

Bubblews is built around words. We are a community conveying our true feelings with an army full of words. We feel it is important to really articulate our inner thoughts here because we feel that people will benefit from reading our joy and pain.

People follow other people on here not because of their stature, but because of what they are saying, who they are and what they care about. We don’t follow each other just because we might know each other in real life, but for what value your insight on life can bring each day.

Hope you all are doing well.

Abrianna Pham

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