You need it , you need to eat this.!

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this likely that many people do not see in Gibbons the best guitarist in the world, and is that comparing it with other musicians is, to put it in some way, just a good performer. However, its emblematic image is what has earned it the place it occupies in the hall of rock fame, what is that style? Simple: in his long and well-groomed beard. At this point in the ZZ Top story, thinking about him without that glorious stretch of hair covering his face and part of his chest is now an impossible issue.


Men around the world, despite not being the biggest fans of the band, want to have a similar beard on their faces, however, few understand that achieving a beard like Gibbons is a matter of time and patience. If you belong to that group of clinging, before submitting yourself to hormonal treatments or foreign substances, you probably want to take a look at the list of foods that, while they will not grow your beard immediately, will help speed up the process.


To grow the beard it is necessary that the body produces sebum, with which it is possible to keep the hair follicles and the skin hydrated, doing this will not only allow the facial hair to grow faster, but it will be strong and with a good appearance . Just try to keep your face clean at all times since, in many cases, the skin with excess sebum causes some problems such as acne.


Considering that a good blood circulation is the key to having a healthy skin in which equally healthy hairs can grow, it is necessary to consume a good amount of vitamin E like the one contained in beans. Because this is a fairly common food, one can obtain favorable results by eating a normal diet

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid contained in the avocado, helps the body to produce the right nutrients for the hair to stay healthy, it is also vital to keep the hair in place, as it is well known that when the body is subjected to large amounts of stress, tends to fall too much or simply stops growing.


In addition to it also contains vitamin B5, the fat content of the egg yolk causes hair to grow healthy and quickly. You must be careful not to consume too much, because when trying to accelerate the growth of your beard you can also increase the level of cholesterol in your body, so the intake of this food should be moderately carefully.


 The folic acid contained in the nuts is crucial for the growth and thickening of the hair, which is of utmost importance for all men who want to sport a healthy beard and a good volume. In addition to nuts, whole grain cereals are the best option to obtain this vitamin.


Something very important to accelerate the growth of the beard is to increase collagen levels, a great way to achieve it is by eating gelatin and custard, having as main element the connective tissue of some animals such as pigs and beef. Consuming at least four servings a day will cause hair growth to accelerate naturally.


If you are not sure about consuming food supplements to produce facial hair, the best thing you can do is look for foods that contain considerable amounts of biotin that allow you to accelerate the growth of your hair and not only that, the appearance of it will improve considerably. Sardines and other blue fish contain just the right amount of biotin to keep your follicles healthy.

If you do not see immediate results, it is likely that you have to go with a dermatologist to recommend a treatment or diet suitable for your skin type. You should also bear in mind that the beard is a genetic trait, so if in your family there are no people with a full beard, it is likely that you are not the exception to the rule.

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