You Never Know What People Want to Read

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No one knows what people want to read. Write, plant a seed, and see what grows...

          One fact I always force myself to remember, and I always remind fellow authors is that most people don’t know what they want to read until media tells them, or a story becomes a fad.

          Social media has proven that very fact to me... I almost didn’t post an article I wrote titled, Tips to NOT be Fired from a Job. That article was my most viewed post, which means my most profitable post. I long ago stopped writing articles or tracking my published articles. I wrote Tips to NOT be Fired from a Job while sitting at my auditor job passing the time - trying desperately not to fall asleep (because auditors work all night). I thought no one would be interested in reading the article so I considered deleting what I wrote. People I have never met proved I was wrong by clicking the article numerous times, which reminded me - I will never know what other people wish to read.

          I have multiple books published under several different names. I use the name Cobalt Foxx when I publish children, juvenile, and adult fiction, and nonfiction. I use the name Avry Rose when I publish erotic fiction. I use the name Zat M. Lived when I’m selling the rights.

          I use multiple names, which I do not recommend, for several reasons. I always wanted to use the name Avry Rose or Cobalt Foxx. Publishing erotic books under the name Avry Rose and non-erotic books under the name Cobalt Foxx was an obvious decision.    

          People always ask me, “how do you know what to write about?”

          I follow one simple rule when it comes down to what I write. It doesn’t matter what I write, but I only ever write one story at a time. I start a story, I finish the story, and then I move on and write another story.

          I don’t know, and I’ll never know what to write. I sit down with a storyline idea and develop the characters. I decide who is telling the story and the traits of that character. Remember the narrator (even third person) is an essential character within the story. I write the story to entertain myself. Finally, I decide if I wish to publish my story for the public, or place the book on my bookcase (some stories I choose not to share).

          I feel like my published book is a success when people tell me they enjoyed reading the book, or even better - wished the book were longer. My books are typically shorter than an average published book because I like my books to read like a thought, and I wish to keep print prices low. My main goal for a published book is to entertain whoever takes the time to read my words.

          My overall advice to authors is to write. Write what you feel in your heart and soul. Writing a book is only a seed. When a person plants a seed, no one knows the future of what will grow from the seed.

About the author


I publish books under the name Cobalt Foxx in ALL genres... I also offer book formatting services & publishing support...

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