I need to Slow Down (Non-moniker Update)

Uploaded on Saturday 16 March 2019


So if you missed it, I had a case of burnout a month or so ago, and one thing I now realize is I need to slow down on the online content creation. I love my internet life, but it's just a hobby for me, and I have a lot of things outside of the online presence that are important as well, some of which are rather new, and in order to keep a healthy "work-life balance," I need to rebalance.

To keep up with all Pokematic and Happy Gamer do, follow on twitter (youtube is for catholiccontriversy only): https://twitter.com/pokematic

Here's the new schedule, 1 Pokematic/Happy Gamer piece of content a week, and Catholiccontriversy still whenever. Here are the different shows that could get a new episode.
Pokematic Podcast - single subject unscripted reviews and thoughts on various topics; usually movies or TV shows, but sometimes more abstract things like my experiences with pyramid schemes.
Peanut Butter Podcast - multi-topic freeform discussions with my friend Bioshock Infinite WD, generally pertaining to entertainment like movies and TV shows, with the running gag of talking about Tom Green.
Pokematic webcam videos - scripted, talking into my webcam, videos. These can be reviews, stories, rants, ramblings, comedy, etc. Whenever there's a topic that I want to show my expressions.
Pokematic text posts - "scripted" reviews of movies and/or products where I want to pay attention to how I phrase things but don't need to be expressive. Somewhere between "Pokematic Podcast" and "Pokematic Webcam."
Fathom Reviews - Reviews of movies and events that are distributed through fathom events. Not really any different from Pokematic Podcast, it's just with the sometimes high volume of fathom events I see and time-sensitive nature of the encore shows, I try to put them out when I see them.
Search for Lost Media - bringing attention to movies and TV that had a wide release but hasn't resurfaced since, that someone might have on VHS somewhere
TV Logs - select shows I think warrent inividual episode reviews for the whole series. Currently only for The Last Man on Earth (finished), School of Rock (ongoing), The Mick (ongoing), and Alex Inc (finished).
Pokematic's Adventures - Either blog posts or vlogs of the cool things I do. I bring you along for my journeys.
Pokematic's Food Reviews - raw reactions to trying new menu items from fast food places, with as much playing it up as I can
Happy Gamer's Happy Streams - twitch streams with calm voice over where the point is to have fun and relax. Live on twitch, replay on the channels.
Happy Gamer Takes Over the Podcast - single or dual topic unscripted podcasts about videogames and videogame topics
Happy Gamer's E3 Logs - reviews of E3 press conferences and what I think of what was shown
1 off projects - I enjoy experimenting. Sometimes the experiments get turned into a show, othertimes it was just something I did.

If you would like to be a part of VidmeWasHere 2, message me on twitter for complete details.
Basically, I need you to answer 3 questions: how did you find out about vidme, what was your experience like on vidme, and what did you do after vidme shut down.


Language: English

Country: United States