Search results for: "cineuropa"
LUX Prize 2011 - Selection Panel's…
Claude Lelouch, director of "Ces amours-là"…
Andrea Caccia, director of "Life in…
Giovanni Maderna & Sara Pozzoli, directors…
Sere Yüce, director of Majority -…
Matteo Botrugno & Daniele Coluccini,…
Walter Stokman, director of "Scena…
Sarah Bouyain, director of "The Place…
Marion Hänsel, director of "Black…
Andrea Segre, director of The Green…
Daniele Segre, director of "Lisetta…
Antonio Capuano, Director of Dark Love…
Bertrand Blier, director of The Clink…
Constantin Moriatis, producer of Plato’s…
Antonin Svoboda, producer of Lourdes…
Adriana Solomon, producer of Medal…
Romain Goupil, director of Les Mains…
Bernard Halut and Thierry de Coster,…
Tobias Lindholm and Michael Noer, directors…
Marco Morabito, producer of I am Love…
Danyael Sugawara, director of Alles…
Johan Lundborg - Johan Storm, for Corridor…
Thomas Torelli - Director and produceur…
Isaki La Cuesta, director of Los Condenados…
Danny Boyle - Director
Jacques Audiard and Tahar Rahim - director…
Vladimir Perisic: Ordinary People committing…
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