Star Wars Saga continues on the Episode VII - The Force Awakens see the International Teaser Trailer

These is the new episode VII film that continues the star wars saga. the fight bettwen the empire of the dark forces and the rebes……
These is the new episode VII film that continues the star wars saga. the fight bettwen the empire of the dark forces and the rebes……
Harrison Ford, filming the JJ Abrams-directed "Star Wars: Episode VII," suffered an injury to his ankle. Ooops! I guess……
If you are one of the many speculating the return of Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher to a galaxy far, far away, speculate……
Millenium Falcor, image that put together two of the most loved characters in science fiction pictures, Han Solo of Star Wars and……
Han Solo will join Ron Burgundy and the gang! THR is reporting that Harrison Ford will play a legendary newscaster ala Tom……