The Essence of the Holy Quran

According to some scholars, Surah al Fatiha is the essence of the entire Holy Quran. “Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim”……
According to some scholars, Surah al Fatiha is the essence of the entire Holy Quran. “Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim”……
The Holy Prophet continued his mission. He asked people to follow the path Allah Almighty had chosen for them. As Holly prophet got……
What is repentance? Repentance is to review one's actions and feel remorseful or to regret for past wrong deeds/or wrong……
A best care taker of any individual is his mother. A personality who loves her child very much than whole world is his mother. Her……
The Muslims were strictly observing the terms of the treaty of hudaibiya when in the year 8 A.H., the unbelievers……
The holy prophet, hazrat Mohammad p.b.u.h was born to hazrat Abdullah and Bibi aminah……
Friday is the most distinguishing day among the days of the week in the sight of Allah; somuch so that it excels both the day of “Eid……