The Shawshank Redemption

It's one of the best films produced in hollywood ever , the film is based on a story of stefen king . it is the story of (Andy……
It's one of the best films produced in hollywood ever , the film is based on a story of stefen king . it is the story of (Andy……
Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science……
In this episode of my podcast, The After Movie Diner, I was very fortunate to speak to William Sadler one of the ultimate movie……
A Bronx Tale (1993) IT is a 1993 American crime drama film set in the Bronx during the……
Frank Darabont, the Oscar-nominated writer/director of such films as The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, and the man behind……