Fear of Public Speaking and Conquering It

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Video Source: Actualized.org via YouTube

I have this new blog if mine that is about Glossophobia and how to conquer it. If you do have that kind of phobia, feel free reading my blog, it might help you! 


Image Source: UnDepress


In many instances, mostly the general population of human beings is afraid of speaking in public and much afraid than facing some unusual calamities in their lives. It may sound exaggerating but I am sure with that because I experienced it back when I was young and so afraid of standing in a crowd, or many I still have it until now but not as extreme as before. And this phobia is called the ‘Glossophobia’ or what others knew as the stage fright. Thus and so, even just imagining that we are standing in a crowd an about to give a speech gives us the thought and intense feeling of fear.


Image Source: Level Up Living 

Moreover, when that time is in real scenario we feel like we are about to take a bath in our own sweat and our heart is pumping so fast that we can hear it clearly without the use of stethoscope, those intestines inside our stomach feels like being tied up like braided hair and your subconscious tells you not to do it.  And yes this I tell you that fear of public speaking are very real! And I know it is hard to overcome!


Image Source: Adam Grant via HuffPost

And even undeterred by throwing off some balance between stepping up to that podium with so many people facing you or not, is such a terrifying event of one’s experience, nevertheless, it is a significant matter to overcome that phobia and finally close that confusing thoughts and in order to make a stand for yourself and for the people waiting for you to make the show marvelous.



 Image Source: UnDepress

What is Public Speaking?

The term Public Speaking means when a speaker stands in front of a crowd or the audience to make or to deliver a certain topic or discuss the topic in an elaborative manner.



 Image Source: robinsonk26 via Pixabay

Public speaking (also called oratory or oration) is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. This type of speech is deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain. Public speaking is commonly understood as formal, face-to-face speaking of a single person to a group of listeners.

Source: Public Speaking via wikipedia.org


Four Types of Public Speaking



Image Source: terimakasih0 via Pixabay 

1.    Speaking to Inform

This type of public speaking is when a speaker delivers a topic to the audience in a particular topic in an informative speech way. This type of public speaking is commonly heard at schools and some seminars.

2.    Speaking to Convince

This type of public speaking is a difficult one because the speaker tends to persuade the audience to like the idea or a certain product, thus and so this type of public speaking aims to convince and change the opinions of the listener. 

3.    Speaking to Inspire

It’s a much higher level of public speaking style and much powerful than the two above because it tends to give inspiration to the listeners as well as to give encouragement to take a bigger leap in life or so.

4.    Speaking to Please

This type of public speaking may illustrate as a humorous kind of speech and in somehow emotional too because the speaker usually adds some personal matters to this in order to catch the listener’s attention.  



Here are some pragmatic hints to help you handle your action when having a stage fright:


 Image Source: Matthew Capala via Yfsmagazine

1.    Be Prepared and Practice

When you do some rehearsals before the big event you must be well-practiced as if you are really facing the crowd and practicing yourself with pressure will help you by the time you face the crowd in the real scenario. And when you write some notes to read at the stage and you wish to bring it, do not read the whole page word by word. During the practice heartily understand the notes you have made, so when people tend to ask the question you can answer them correctly and confidently.

Preparing the things before the event includes you, your thoughts and the materials you will needing when you do the speech or the talking, in this way it can avoid cramming and lessen the anxiety you are feeling. And when you want to focus your mind on the big event and want to avoid some awful thoughts during the event you need to organize your mind and keep it clear from stress and negative thoughts.

2.    Inhale…. Exhale…Relax

We all know that when we feel anxious our breathing tends to go fast as well as our heartbeat and we may preserve as breathing in and out is not enough. Still and all, inhaling and exhaling promotes proper focus and refreshes our minds from anxiety. As you breathe also you are giving your mind oxygen to think properly and remember what you have practice. And also when you breathe it helps you avoid speaking haltingly. 

3.    Be Stress-Free

If you have some personal concerns aside from the main event, you should set aside that problem, because when you keep on thinking about your problems you will get stressed out and you will not remember the things you practiced.


Image Source: Inner Quest Church

4.    Be Yourself

Be yourself and don’t overact the things you are showing and saying to the audience, it may irritate them or you are just giving them the reason not to listen to you. Use speaking styles that suit your personality so that you will not get some hard time relating and explaining the topic you want to discuss to your listeners. And when you talk about your personal experiences as examples, your audience will focus more and will surely be attentive in your discussion. You don’t need to get emotionally attached that you will be crying and will lose track with your discussion, but I suggest you show a little of yourself and much of the fun learning agendas you want to convey.


Image Source: Public Words

5.    Connect with the Audience

It means giving your audience the chance to participate and get involved with a faster learning. You may experiment a little bit like making an interaction which is two-way, and this way your audience will not feel bored and sleepy.

6.    Get that Muscle a Well-Stretch Sesh

I don’t mean that you need to go to the gym on the day of the event and feels tired after and don’t have the energy to do the speech. What I am talking about is you may give yourself a small walk before the event or maybe 5 minutes before the event when you do some recap with your thoughts you may stretch that muscles a little and promote a proper circulation to your body as well as giving your brain the right oxygen to think.

7.     Master the Sequence of your Pointers

Mastering the sequence of your topic gives you the key or the control. And as you control the whole discussion it means you are overruling against the anxiety you are having.


Image Source: Mobe

8.    Have a Backup Answers

We can’t avoid in every session or discussion that your audience will ask you some questions they wanted to know and in order to avoid getting anxious when someone asks you questions you need to be prepared. And getting prepared is studying and understanding your topic well and most of all you also need to come up with some possible questions they may ask and answer it in advance, so you will be ready when your audience asks you questions. 

9.    Avoid Talking Fast and Know How to Pause

Because no audience wants to listen to a speaker who talks fast and doesn't know what they are saying.  Talking fast makes you panic more because you will lose air in your breathing so you may fall being anxious more and more. Know how to slow down and when to pause when you are speaking, in that way it will give your brain cells to think and be calm and relax.

10.    Do not Over Think

Be cool and be positive. Avoid over thinking about ‘what if your audience will like your topic or what if they will not like it’’, do not interpret every action your audience been doing because every action they are doing does always relate to what you are doing or about your personality.


Video Source: Harvard Extension School via YouTube 



That's All for Now!

Until Next Time!



© yadeed15 ♕ 2017

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•RN• Toddling with a Toddler• Happy Wife • Bathroom Singer•Tactless Writer • Introvert • Cheese Addict • BELIEVER •

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