Girl Guide

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Woman constitute approximately a half of our population. They are important as men. They should take in active part in every sphere of life. Their work could be very useful for the progress of their nation. Therefore they should be properly educated and trained. One way to prepare them for such responsibilities is to urge them to join Girl Guide.

Basically Girl Guide is a British organization. Lord Baden Powell and his sister Lady Agnes founded it in 1910. Its main purpose is to train girls for hard responsibilities of life. The duties of women are two-fold. They work inside as well as outside the house. The Girl Guide trains them for their indoor as well as outdoor activities. It makes them useful citizens of society.

The girls who join the movement become honest, responsible and punctual in imparting their duties. They observe high sense of molarity. They help the needy and the poor. They do their work adequately. They remain ever ready for any emergency. They become courteous, social and civilized. But it is Girl Guide that makes them so.

 It is an extremely positive and healthy movement. The girls work side by side with men in the art of nation building. It grows confidence in girls. It should be promoted particularly in poor countries. There the free social services could be very useful in solving wide-spread social problems.

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