Here's how you can vacation on a budget this summer

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The summer months are approaching quickly and pretty soon many schools will be out for vacation again. In a few months, families around the world will begin their annual trips to popular tourist destinations. The months of July and August are arguably the best months of the year for airline and tourism industries as they are considered to be the busiest with many families planning extensive travel vacations.

Planning to travel this summer? Here are six things you can do to keep your expenses down.

Plan ahead

summerPhoto credit cytis on Pixabay

With the summer months considered peak months for travel, airline tickets to many tourist destinations can be extremely high. You can avoid extremely high travel costs by booking airline tickets a few months in advance. Other ways to capitalize on lower costs include booking tickets for travel during the week as tickets are usually more expensive on weekends and comparing the cost of tickets sold by different travel agencies online.

Choose your destinations wisely

vacationPhoto credit Julius_Silver on Pixabay

What’s the purpose of your trip? Do you absolutely want to go to that popular destination or are you simply looking for a getaway, a wonderful beach destination may be where you can explore and relax?

Sometimes popular destinations can be a bit crowded during the summer months. If you’re one for the crowds, then you’ll have lots of fun, but if you want a getaway to relax, other beautiful but quieter places can be found with a little more research. By travelling to a less popular destination, you will not only widen your horizons, you can also have the added benefit of being able to capitalize on good deals and take advantage of lower costs.

Consider cheaper accommodation

travelPhoto credit Reisefreiheit_eu on Pixabay

You need not stay at a five-star resort. Unless you’re intending to spend most of your time indoors, most of your vacation will likely be spent exploring outdoors. You can save a bunch of money by booking accommodations at less expensive hotels, timeshares or even considering an airbnb host.

Take a cruise

travel_destinationPhoto credit Tama66 on Pixabay

Can’t afford to travel to all the countries you’ve dreamed of? With a cruise, you get to travel the high seas, visit several dream destinations, eat all you want, and get nightly entertainment all for the price of one. For some people, this is the best way to have that dream vacation on a budget.

Convert currency before you get to the airport


Photo credit pasja1000 on Pixabay

It’s always good to have the currency of the country for which you are planning to travel. Sometimes, this can be overlooked until the very last minute and depending on the country you are planning to travel to or the country that you are travelling from, currency exchange can  be an unwieldy and uncomfortable process. In cases like these, it might seem very convenient to get international foreign exchange at airports, however the fees for this convenient exchange are usually astronomically high, way higher than you might likely have to pay at your national banks. If you are planning to travel to a foreign country, particularly if you are travelling from a third world country, it is important that you convert currency in advance.

Plan ground transport and activities in advance

The worst trip is an unplanned trip. You can find yourself running helter skelter from activity to activity, building up an expensive that you didn’t plan for. Planning activities in advance gives you the opportunity to budget and control costs.

If you have done all of the above and you have managed to save a few dollars on your next trip, there may be some other things you might want to consider to ensure that your trip goes smoothly. These are six things you must consider when vacationing abroad:

Observe airline rules

summerPhoto credit bilaleldaou on Pixabay

While there are some things that all airlines will abide by in terms of items allowed on flight etc, in some areas e.g. check in baggage and meal allowances, different airlines observe different rules. Don’t take these rules for granted. Research them before travelling to avoid undue discomfort or embarrassment at the airport.

Dress to undress

It might sound silly, but there is a protocol that must be observed when travelling through any airport. Passengers are asked to remove hats, shoes, shawls, belts, laptops, tablets etc for screening. Dressing simply can make this process of removing apparatus to put them on again seem less uncomfortable.

Plan for contingencies

Sometimes there are flight delays and cancellations. Booking a flight e.g. or a cruise and leaving no wiggle room for contingencies can have unfortunate consequences. When travelling, give yourself at least one day’s wiggle room to allow for unforeseen situations.

Pack your own suitcases

summerPhoto credit PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay

Be 100% involved in this process. Do not leave the packing of your luggage to anyone. Not only do you want to ensure that you have packed everything you need in your luggage, you want to be accountable for every item that is in your luggage as well, for you will be held accountable for it by immigration officers. For your security, always ensure that your luggage is locked.

Learn the traffic rules of your travel destination

If you are travelling to a foreign country and you intend to do a lot of ground travel, it is important for you to know the traffic rules and regulations of your travel destination. Some countries have right hand drivers, others have left hand drivers. Cars are driven on different sides of the road, different traffic rules apply. Familiarizing yourself with these traffic rules in advance can help to avoid unnecessary discomfort while on your vacation.

Review your travel checklist

A travel checklist is important to keep and review before leaving your home country. Not sure you have everything covered? Here's a list you can review: International Travel Checklist.

Be sure to have fun

summerPhoto credit Pexels on Pixabay

Whether you intend to visit a theme park or beaches or hike, kayak, parasail or cruise the high seas… a vacation is not a vacation without the fun. Many people may not be able to travel regularly and so, when you can get that dream trip be sure to squeeze every ounce of enjoyment that you can out of it. Take lots of videos and pictures for memories and savor the experience for the next time you plan to travel. For one thing is certain, once you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, you’ll be infected for life.

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