One Blessed 'Tooner

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I'm recalling another episode of "Good Times".  In this one, J.J. Evans starts his own creative business, the "Dy-No-Mite Greeting Card Company", where he creates and sells his own cards.  I remember him having his "office" on the roof of his apartment building, having cute secretaries and making a deal with the janitor Mr. Bookman to keep the business in its place.  But, in true sitcom fashion, the company goes bust--however, there is a bright side:  An executive is so impressed with J.J.'s work that he hires him for his advertising agency.  When J.J. gets the offer, his mama Florida announces, "He'll be at work tomorrow morning!"

So what does this Seventies sitcom episode have to do with my work in the 2010s?  "Good Times" was shown at a time when being an employee was more stable and sensible than being your own boss.  Florida Evans just wanted her talented son to have security, and a "regular job" offered just that.  Nowadays, security as we know it is gone like the bell bottom craze.  After the 9/11 crisis, two foreign wars and a recession, we're beginning to realize times have changed and we'd better change with them.

This is supposed to be an entrepreneur's economy now, so I am an artist-entrepreneur.  I've been doing cartoons, animations and articles for decades, and lately things have been picking up at long last.  Two old clients from years ago want my illustration and design services again.  One woman wants me to illustrate two children's books she has written, and another woman has me designing her business card, complete with original logo.  She also is considering publishing a book of original poetry and would like for me to illustrate it.

Fortunes are beginning to shift in favor of D.K. Upshaw.  I am going to do a bang-up job with these assignments, as if they were paying me thousands (they're not, but that's no excuse for shoddy workmanship).  I'm really coming into my own as a professional, and I have the Lord to thank.  He gave me the dreams and the drive and now He's giving me the opportunity to make it all come true.  You think I'm doing all this on my own?  Thank You, Lord, thank You.

About the author


I call myself a 'tooner--one who cartoons. Animated shorts, single-panel gag cartoons and celebrity caricatures are my specialty!

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