Popular Myths in Afghanistan

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There are alot of myths been talked about in Afghanistan where people respect certain things,days or even people.I came across an article regarding Myths in Afghanistan and people do follow them and at some instances where you do some thing and people who know the myths will stop u from doing certain things and people get superstitous by knowing about it.There are some which i want to mention in my blog.

1-If you foot touches or hit another person,s foot ,you will definitly get in to a fight with that person ,unless you shake hands with him.

2-It is bad to cut nails at night,some say poverty and hunger might enter the house if you cut your nails at night.

3-If a boy chews gum ,his beard will grow uneven.

4-Its not good to let someone compliment your child or other loved one because they might become jinxed and bad luck might occur on them(This is called "Nazar").You can ward of this by saying "DA NAZARA MASHAY" in our pushto language or reciting a surah from the Holy Quran.

5-If you cross under a rainbow ,sex change might occur or simply a boy will be changed to a girl and viceversa.

6-Jingling your keys might cause a fight to occur.

7-If the palm of your right hand itch,you will soon receive money.

8-If you sit over the pillow ,you will be in debt soon.

9-If flour spills on the ground ,you will soon receive guests.

10-If you bite your tongue ,someone will be talking bad about you."(backbitting)

11-After praying ,you should fold one side of your prayer matt or the devil will come and pray on it.

12-Bad luck will come if you open and close the scissors without a reason.

13-If a boy keep his right foot over the left,this means you are having another boy next time around.

14-If your left eye twitches,bad luck might come to you.

15-Marriages between the two festive holiday of EidulFitar and Eiduladha is prohibited.

These are some of the very common myths been talked about and followed in Afghanistan.There are many more but your contributions will highly be appreciated ,if you can add something to the blog.


About the author


A social worker by profession and graduated from Layas institute Melbourne,Australia

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