Study Tips for Auditory, Visual and Tactile Learners

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Take this quiz to find out what kind of learner you are.

Auditory Learners- Learn best when actively listening.

  • All auditory learners should aim to ask questions during a lecture. Even a simple question will greatly increase information retention. This way, your teacher will put an idea into words, or paraphrase what they’ve been saying. 
  • Auditory learners can greatly benefit from recording lectures and taping their notes once they’ve written them. This will force you to say out loud what they’ve just learnt in a way that makes sense to them – cementing it into their head.  
  • Watch videos. There are so many resources on Youtube, such as Khan Academy, Crash Course and Bozeman Science to name a few of my favourites.
  • Choose the best classroom location for listening. 
  • Tell others, or your pets live or stuffed, what you are learning in class. Teaching new information to others can help cement it in your memory. 
  • Work in quiet areas to reduce distractions, avoiding areas with conversation, music, and television.

Visual Learners- learn best through what they see.

  • Sit in the front of the class so that you can clearly see the teacher. This will allow you to pick up facial expressions and body language that provide cues that what your teacher is saying is important to write in your notes.
  • Create graphic organizers such as diagrams and concept maps that use visual symbols to represent ideas and information.
  • Study in a place that is free from visual distractions.
  • When using flashcards, limit the amount of information on a card so that you can form a mental picture of the information.
  • Watch videos about topics you are studying in class.
  • When reviewing information, rewrite or draw the information from memory.
  • When trying to remember information, close your eyes and visualize the information.
  • Include illustrations as you take notes in class.
  • Use highlighter pens of contrasting colors to color code different aspects of the information in your textbooks.

Tactile/ Kinesthetic Learners-  learn best when they discover things by doing them.

  • Get hands on-in labs for example- don’t just watch someone else do it.
  • Draw charts or diagrams of relationships.
  • Skim through reading material to get a rough idea of what it’s about before looking for details.
  • Use finger or bookmark as a guide while reading.
  • Write, copy, underline and highlight with bright colors.
  • Be physically active while you study. Rather than just sit at your desk, occasionally walk back and forth with your textbook or notes as you read the information out loud.
  • Use your finger as a guide while reading.
  • Act out things you have to learn whenever possible.
  • Construct models of things you have to learn whenever possible.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t fit perfectly into one of the three learning style categories( I seem to be all 3). So explore different ways of learning and choose to use the ones that you find most useful. 

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About the author


20 year old student making the best of every situation. Poet. Nature Enthusiast & Photographer. Aspiring Microbiologist. Gamer for life. Naturalista.

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