What if Jesus was a Ninja Chapter 4

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As Joseph dies in a pool of his own blood 3 shadows watch on. "It seems we were too late " said the first one, "No ,there might be some one still alive in there" said the other person, the third person just went down near the entrance and said " this is no time to argue, we have to find out its there is still someone out there". The three went inside as the guards chase around Mary carrying Jesus in her arms, weakened from giving birth she does not know how much strength she has for running away from her pursuers  but she had no other way for her child's life was at stake. One of the guards managed to catch up to Mary slashing her back with his sword. Bleeding in the back she desperately tries to crawl away with Jesus in her arms. The guards surround Mary with one guard holding up his sword seemingly taking the final blow on Jesus and with a swing of his sword blood splashed unto Mary's face.................................................................................END of Chapter 4

About the author


I am 26 years old and mainly sit here on my computer due to me having a stroke 5 years ago now I don't have work and I'm wasting my brain away

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