What if Jesus was a Ninja Chapter 8

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A noise is heard outside of Hanzo's hall and it seems four people has entered his village while a mysterious bird lurks outside. Jiraiya shoots a knife to the bird killing it instantly while also cutting Mado's surveillance on them, The special army attacks killing all those that oppose them. Hanzo was surprised saying, "It seems we were being watched , no wonder they could enter the village as no one could ever find it easily". Jiraiya replied " this bird it must be the one that showed them the way". Sasuke also said "now is not the time for idle chatter we must stop them from making any more damage to your village Hanzo" and so the three faced off against  the feudal lord's special army all while Mary hides behind them. The army was strong indeed but the masters did not even bother to show their true abilities and with one flash of their blades they strike with lightning speed disemboweling each and every one of the assassins leaving blood and parts all over the village. Mary was relieved that they were not enemies but fell disoriented at the gruesome sight she just saw. Hanzo said "this might not be over we may expect more where they came from" in a foreboding tone. Back at the palace Mado was raging at the fact that his plans did not go so well again, he decides to send a letter to a certain person........................................................................................................End of chapter 8 

About the author


I am 26 years old and mainly sit here on my computer due to me having a stroke 5 years ago now I don't have work and I'm wasting my brain away

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