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Eating Eggs


egg contain all the nutrient which a normel human body needs eating egg in any season is the best but it too much tasty in the win…

by abidfazal

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Lung is the main organ of human body.human body contain two lungs which are at the side of the chest of human body they are protec…

by abidfazal

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1) Zakat on a person who has the burden of loan if a person he has the burden of loan and he has full fill the standred of t…

by abidfazal

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Health is wealth


today i will discuss an important god given quality to us which we always ignore is about health as we know that there is no…

by abidfazal

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Dates of Pakistan


Pakistan is basically an agriculture country the date tree can take too much time for growing.many people use the tree for the bea…

by abidfazal

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