10 foods to help increase longevity

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Garlic, onions, citrus fruits, kiwi not only provide vitamins, minerals but also makes you healthier, live longer.
1 Garlic

Doctor specializing in endocrinology, nutrition-Dutel Laurence Levy said garlic has anti-cancer, digestive tract, limiting cardiovascular diseases, anti-bacterial, anti-clotting, lower blood pressure ... Eating raw garlic will have more effect than garlic pickled or cooked through ... Eating garlic every day helps you live longer and healthier. It only side effect is a breath odors.

2 Onions

Onions are low in calories but rich in minerals and trace elements. This is very good food for those hard to digest. Others with garlic, onions and more likely to eat more digestible when cooked.

3 Leeks

When using leeks many people often overlook the green leaves behind, but that is a mistake. The main component of green leaves contain significant amounts of fiber and vitamins against oxidation.

4 Orange, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons

These fruits have antioxidant effects, protecting cardiovascular disease, and cancers limited to the gastrointestinal tract. They are also rich in vitamins A, C ... If you're treating cholesterol, you should consult your doctor before eating.

5 Kiwi

Kiwi contains fewer calories, but rich in vitamins (C, B9, E) and minerals. It helps you easily digested than when bloating, indigestion.

6 apricots, apricot

Apricots, Apricot rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C. In addition, it is rich in potassium, and is particularly useful to prevent athletes from getting cramps. It also contains more fiber helps prevent constipation problems. You can eat fresh or pickled in brine water.

7 Raspberries

People with bowel disease should not eat this fruit because it is easy to cause severe intestinal and stomach diseases increase. You can mix them with some other fruits made ​​into salad. This dish is low in calories and high in vitamin C.

8 Strawberry

Strawberries are good for digestion, reduce warm yoke, taut stomach after eating. This fruit is very prone to parasites bind to so you remember to wash thoroughly before eating.

9 Apples

This type of fruit has many uses, facial beauty, weight loss, vitamin, especially beneficial for people with high cholesterol ... should be washed and eaten as part of the shell is the shell which contains many vitamins and minerals.

10 The fungus

Mushrooms are nutritious, low in calories, minerals (copper, selenium ...) and vitamins (B and D). It contains many active ingredients beneficial to intestinal health. Should use fresh mushrooms instead of dried mushrooms and canned mushrooms in the supermarket.

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