3 Cause Breast Sagging

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ALMOST all women want to have firmer breasts. Therefore, there are some habits to dhindari woman that her breasts are not sagging.

Some daily habits can cause breast sagging. Here are three habits that make sagging breasts Womenshealthmag quoted as saying on Wednesday (01/13/2016).

1. Diet yo-yo

Yo-yo dieting can lead to sagging breasts. "Whenever women lose weight, breast tissue becomes more slack," said Michael Edwards, MD, a breast surgeon and president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

2. Smoking

According to Edwards, the other habits that can cause breast sagging is smoking.

"Therefore, any exposure to cigarette substances weaken the breast tissue and skin ages. This is due, smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin surface of the breast, "he explained.

3. Not wearing sunscreen

Exposure to UV rays without the protective layer of sunscreen can cause premature aging of the skin.

"This has the same effect on the breasts to sag by stretching the collagen and skin damage," he said.

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