How to Establish Abdominal Muscle

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Once you have managed to shrink the stomach, now is the time to form a sixpack stomach muscles in an easy way. For those who do not have much time to go to the gym, you can still do a short exercise in five minutes every day to form a more beautiful stomach.

So how busy your work, still can exercise at home or anywhere even with a very limited time.

Some of the following exercises than can be made to be more sixpack stomach may also establish a more balanced body and increase confidence. Immediately following the stages of exercise you can do.

1. Mountain Climber

Way to do :
1. First, take the position of the body such as the movement Push-ups
2. Place both hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulders and bend your right leg forward, left leg straight backward
3. Swap the position of the left leg and right quickly so that the right leg straight back and left leg bent forward
4. Do it for 30 seconds

How to do it:
Take the initial position of the body such as push-ups. Body weight rests on your hands (from the elbow to the palm of the hand), while the second leg straight back. Contract your abdominal muscles. Do it for 30 seconds

Spiderman Push-Up
How to do it:
1. Take the initial position of the body such as push-up exercise
2.Beban body rests on the palms
3.Tarik right knee to elbow his right hand
4.Kembali position to the beginning and do it alternately
5.Lakukan for 30 seconds

Bicycle Crunch

Way to do :
1.Posisi early Lie straight on your back on a mat board
2.Tempatkan hands behind his head
3.Angkat little legs upwards
4.Tekuk left and right legs alternately like riding a bike
5.Angkat little head and upper body
6.Arahkan right elbow to your left knee alternately
7.Lakukan for 30 seconds

Jackknife Sit-up

Way to do :
1. Take the starting position Lie down straight on the mat
2. Arm straight up, on the back of the head
3. Inhale and lift the waist while mengangakat your arms along your legs up to your hands and feet to see above.
3. Exhale and return to starting position
4. Perform for 30 seconds

To obtain maximum results, do exercises regularly and combined with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Multiply the intake of foods high in protein and low in fat. Good luck!




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