7 myths about cancer

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True or false: 7 myths about cancer

Cancer is a major cause of death today. Consequently, it is one of the most feared diseases in relation to circulating most misconceptions. In seven of them decipher them a renowned Belgian professor.

About cancer is discussed in left and right. It is a topic often discussed in the press, on television, but in discussions between people. All this tumult of information nascent myths. The most common seven of these were "dissected" by Filip Lardon, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Antwerp in Belgium and Head of the Laboratory for Research on Cancer, in his book "Quand une cellule derail '( When a cell derail), published last year.

1. Cancer can affect anyone

TRUE. Each of us faces the risk of cancer, and it increases with age. In the West, approximately one in three people will develop cancer during your lifetime. This does not mean that the disease can not be prevented, even if part: it was shown that adopting a healthy lifestyle and eliminating risk factors avoids the emergence of a large number of tumors.

2. Cancer can occur anywhere on the body

TRUE. In principle, a cancer can occur in any place where cells divide. However, certain tissues and organs are more prone to tumors than others. In women, breast cancer is by far the most common, followed by intestinal cancers, lung, uterus and skin. For men, prostate, lung, colon, head, neck and bladder occupies the top of the standings.

3. The risk of cancer is the same for both sexes

FALSE. Although some types of cancer affects one or other sex predilection overall cancer risk is a little higher in men (30 to 35% compared to 25% in women). For example, cancers of the head, neck, lungs, esophagus and bladder are the bărabţi are frequently under the influence of risk factors such as smoking or alcohol consumption. Thyroid cancer and skin are, however, more common in women because of hormonal factors and excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays Bronze sake.

4. Cancer is a disease of modern times

FALSE. Cancer exist in ancient times and probably since the dawn of mankind, if not before (in animals). Therefore, it is absolutely wrong to think that would be a disease of modern times, although the number of cases has risen steadily over the decades. This is explained by aging, but also by changing our lifestyle characterized by exposure to tobacco smoke, physical inactivity, obesity and environmental pollution.

5. Do you know if you have cancer

FALSE. There are symptoms that may betray the presence of malignancy: hoarseness or persistent cough (especially in smokers or former smokers); difficulty swallowing (especially in people who drink and smoke); changes in bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation alternating persistent or both); urinary problems in men; weight loss, fatigue or persistent fever without apparent cause; abnormal bleeding; the presence of a node in any body location (in a testis or breast, under the skin, etc.); appearance of a new mole or transforming existing one; cutaneous or oral lesion, which healed. Although these signals do not always mean that you have cancer, they should not be ignored.

6. Cancer is inevitable

FALSE. Although there is a strong connection with the gene, experts now believe that most cancers are caused by external factors. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, maintaining weight within normal parameters, practicing physical exercise, eating more fruit and vegetables can prevent cancer. Some estimates show that more than 50% of cancers can be avoided this way. Remember is that smoking remains the leading cause of cancerous tumors. Without this bad habit more than 30% of cancer deaths could be prevented.

7. You can not cure cancer completely

FALSE. With new treatment techniques some types of cancer can be completely cured. If after treatment, relapse does not occur within five years, the probability that the patient is out of danger is very high.

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