9/11 Tragedy and It's Effects on Pakistan

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Intro: On september 11 2001 at the time around 8:45 am on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 located with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the world trade centre

Terrorist group hijacked 4 planes, flew 2 of them towards the Newyork city and smashed them in the middle of the world trade centre

1 plane destroyed by U.S military and the 4th one thrashed in Pennsylvania which is another state of U.S.A 

Officials of U.S.A on that time believe that terrorists intended to destroy either white house or U.S capitol

In the whole scenario approximately 3000 people were killed , the exact figure was 2996 and more then 6000 people were injured.

3000?? Well indeed it's a worst figure bit to be honest I personally thinks that this figure of 3000 is not the worst then the figures Pakistan lost after this attack 

So after this incident Officials of U.S.A on that time declared Osama Bin Laden and his organisation Al-Qaida as the main suspect and they sent their military to fight against Osama and Al-Qaida .U.S military captured many leaders and commandos of many organisations including Al-Qaida but they failed to capture Osama who was the main suspect

For their purpose of catching Osama Bin Laden , they interfered in Iraq, The President on that time Mr. GEORGE BUSH said that, infact he started the controversy that Iraq under it's President Saddam Hussain is creating some sort of Mass Destruction weapons and this controversy was denied straightly by Iraq. After almost a decade of war in Iraq U.S found nothing but unnecessary reasons to get involved in Iraq .

They also interfered in Afghanistan , infact they are still in Afghanistan. Lot's of civilians lost their lives there

They forced Pakistan as well to fight against such groups.

They put Pakistan in to a war which was not Pakistan's war ever

Pakistan fought 4 wars against India but they didn't lose such figures which Pakistan loss in this unknown war and It's still going on

Pakistan so far after 9/11 lost approximately 70000 lives of civilians, 8000 lives of our brave soldiers including some of the specialists from different agencies. 

And the interestingly and the funny part is that the idiots of America still demanding and forcing Pakistan to do more... what rubbish ... what else they want...

Ok leave it.... let's talk about the effects of 9/11 on Pakistan

  • 1- Tourism

The chairman of PTI and the legendary cricketer Imran Khan claimed that Pakistan definitely paying the price of backinU.S.A.

He also criticised Gen Musharraf for blindly following U.S.A Now we know the importance of Tourism.

If you have tourism in your country then your country not go down as far as the economic ratio is concerned.

But from a recently survay It is reported that the tourism ratio has increased almost thrice in 2016 in comparison with 2011.

So this is really a positive sign . Also we've seen some of the players in cricket and football recently visited Pakistan and they claimed that Pakistan is much better country now and also claiming now the sacrifices Pakistan gave in this cold war.

Recently Srilankan cricket team and world 11 team visited Pakistan...and they were very happy to get such kind of warm welcome.... so they decided that they will come again .

2- Media overtly negativity

A complaint largely felt by Pakistan that media didn't played it's role in the whole scenario.  We all know that media in Pakistan is independent. In the whole series of war media just figured out how many died? How many injured ? But they didn't show the positive image of Pakistan.

Infact they are busy capturing the personal lives of Politions , actors athlets and other celebrities that what they are doing what they are eating where are they going. Absolute rubbish....

I think it is an alarming situation for Pakistan now and every department should take it's responsibility seriously now.

We have dozens of channels yet the information influx is entirely negative and demoralizing. What good is such media

3- Effects on citizens:

It is not Pakistan's war, this is America's war . This war has taken alot of lives of innocent Pakistnis , women and children, .

The dron attacks in Waziristan and other agencies in Pakistan have led to a massive divide between the govt and average citizen. The majority believes that Pakistan government betrayed the people by allowing drone attacks in the region , while the government continues to win the support of severals elites the country has.

In addition to drone attacks one can never forget how many lives were lost during these years after the participation in the war on terror.

Groups like TTP and others extremists continue to destroy the sanctity and sanity of those living within the country. Bomb explode blasts occur , bodies are torn apart and children are attacked as a revolt against the govt. More than 10'000 Pakistanis have died in 2009-10 alone according to HRP reports. This is mainly due to as opined by the majority the involvement in the war on terror. Here is depressing list of terrorist incidents in Pakistan.

  • In conclusion i would say that Pakistan suffered alot more then U.S.A because of 9/11 incident.we r still fighting the unknown war . Courtesy we have Pakistan army otherwise we can't imagine what would be the scene..

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