Afghan Develpment collobration

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Afghan Citadel Software Co is partner with Film Annex's Francesco Rulli to show the positive stories from Afghanistan. Our mission is to show the new face of Afghanistan to the world with the current event videos, interviews and news clips. Film Annex's Francesco Rulli is funding the Video Cameras to shoot the interviews and document our progress. The result will be one of  excitement.

And ACSC and Film Annax Francesco Rulli is going to hire women to write blog and get paid that would help women to be financially self sufficient.

Flim Annax 's Francesco Rulli is going to funding Internet points at school in Afghanistan and Afghan Citadel will implement the project . This project is very important for the life of student at school, it would help them to learn new methods and connect with the world. We are going to start with the Baq Nazerga school at the Herat Province.

I appreciate of Flim Annex's Francesco Rulli and his support to help Afghanistan, this is the great opportunity for me and my team to working with him in this project.  

Roya Mahboob

About the author


Roya Mahboob is the founder and CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Company (ACSC). After receiving her Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Herat University, Mahboob went on to get her MBA in IT (Information Technology) in Malaysia. Mahboob worked as the IT Coordinator at Herat University from…

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