Always Forever: Possible concept for future production

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I have this idea of shooting a love story set in a 1950s carnival at night time which would play along with it's visually striking set up. I want the films to be full of colour and bursting with energy and so I got thinking, maybe the visuals could tell the story this time and make it in the style of a music video except the band would be absent.

I don't know what it is but I've always had a fascination for America in the 1950s and that classic look. I think a carnival would be perfect for this but the problem would be finding a location in the UK that would really sell the setting and time period.

The more I've thought into it the more I'd like to shoot the whole video in slow motion. I've been inspired a lot lately by modern music videos and how they utilize these higher frame rates which have become more readily available to them on cameras costing considerably cheaper than they used to. It's not noticeable slow motion but it's the kind of look that compliments softer and much subtler imagery.

I had a go at some graphics which could be used as a potential movie poster for this Music Video. I am hoping to further develop this idea over summer so I can get started on it in Semester One of my final year at University.

About the author


There’s something about picking up a camera and having the flexibility to create something entirely original out of nothing, Making something that seems at first glance a little boring or ordinary and transforming it into something extraordinary. It was the ability to mould the shape of reality, create something of…

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