As my dad used to say...

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When I was a kid I used to sit on a bench on top of a hill in my home town, on my own (*insert 'pity' here*) and really enjoy watching people walking down the street below.

I loved the fact that they couldn't see me and I had some sort of exclusive access into their little world that they would never have shown if I was down there, walking past them.

My dad equally enjoys a good people-watch, studying people's reactions and trying to suss what they might be thinking. So as the good team we are, we took this mutual fascination further!

Whenever my dad decided to buy a new wallet, we would 'accidentally on purpose' drop the old one in a busy street, sit down together not too far away and spend the next half hour laughing our heads off at the way people reacted to this very visible wallet.

We had everything from tempted glances and excited kids to extremely sneaky old women!

Since then, my people-watching/studying has channeled into my own little films, the books I might read, the programmes I watch, art, name it, if it's socially observational, I really like it.

Lately I've been wishing that I had more technical ability, that I could keep up to date with the latest funky film techniques, that I knew about the latest cameras, that I knew what every button in the world did but...that's not me.

I realised it when I walked through town the other day and watched a man dance to his hearts content at some jazzy music played by a group of buskers. I whipped my camera out and filmed him. He was totally in his own world, his own little bubble and he didn't give a s*** what anyone thought and I really admired him for it.

I played around with the footage, slowed it down, put another track over it and tried to suck myself into his world...and time flew by, I enjoyed myself that much.

So...I've decided. I'm a techno-phobe.

My aim now is not to force my stubborn brain into learning the latest but to go with what I enjoy doing and capture  the little worlds people find themselves in. 



About the author


I make short films for a hobby! Despite 7 years studying towards a professional career in the medium I have found freedom of film-making and self expression doesn't come with a pay check...I have a huge interest in Youth/Community development that I like to blog, photograph and film :)

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