BMW 760i

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One would imagine that with awareness of green technology and the spiraling fuel prices, the demand and sale of petrol engine and luxury cars will take a graphic downward curve, but surprisingly big names like BMW still produce cars that spell opulence. The V12 engine is highly favored in the U.S and China, and BMW's 7 series has numerous avatars that are hot sellers from as long back as '87 to the Active Hybrid 2013 that is yet to be unveiled. In 2010, the BMW 760i beat its competitors with the power boosting twin turbo-chargers for its V12 engine and its previous models. The base price of $ 137,425 is no deterrent for avid buyers. The 760 Li which is the 760 i with a 5.5" longer base specifically produced for the U.S. The 760i/Li is also very hi-tech, with everything except steering and braking having complete electronic controls.

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