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Hi friends its Lucifer again with a new topic. I am fine and hoping that you will also fine. Hillary! in my last blog you granted me with 2 stars.I was a little bit disappointed with the result because I was expecting something better than this.But after reading few other blogs of the old users it was clear to me that why I was not granted with more stars. A lot of mistakes in my last blog so now I am here for amending those mistakes. Hillary please don't mind.Now I come to my topic. Today I am here with a post related to the Child Labour. I hope you will enjoy.

Before discussing the Child Labour, we should understand that  what is Child Labour.

Child Labour means to force the children to do a certain work which is prohibited for 

them due to their under age.

                              Children with luggage on their shoulders


                                                    The image is taken from .

Child Labour around the Globe:

            There are almost 215 millions children working in the World. So these children are not getting time for their schools. Most of them are forced to do the worst kinds of labour, due to this their nutrition ids highly effected. Children are usually forced to do works in the agriculture fields for low income. Mostly child labour is led by poverty. Some underdeveloped countries could not fulfill the needs of their populations or they do not have resources to do that. So in these countries child labour is common. Several African countries are on the top of the list of witnessing more child labour and the reason behind this child labour in Africa is poverty. 


                                                       The image is taken from .

History of Child Labour:

             In past, different well progressing countries used to kidnap the children from the underdeveloped areas of Africa and bring them to their own countries as slaves to fulfill their needs. In the beginning children were used in small but dangerous industries like Cigarette Industry and Glass industries. Aged person usually refused to do works like that so children were asked to do tough jobs like that in such tough conditions. Child had done work in coal mines and factories also. Working in the mines is so dangerous and hard that 

A healthy person will live his half of life if he works in mines, specially coal mines.

It means if a person is going to live a life of 70 years than he will live a life of almost 35 -40 years. Because coal mines cause a lot of skin diseases Icthyosis along with other skin disorders.

                                  A child working outside a coal mine.


                                                       The image is taken from

Causes of Child Labour:

           According to International Labour Organization (ILO), the main cause behind the child labour is poverty. You are supposed to do every thing when you are hungry, when you do not have anything to wear, when you do not have a house to live. In most cases, the parents earns enough to feed their children but they to not have enough money to send their child to the school. So they used to send them to the work places instead of giving them rest at their house.

                                 A boy looking for bottles in garbage 


                                                 The video is taken from

Poor governance is also a cause of poverty and child labour in the country. The head of country is responsible for all this poor management.

According to Muslim Caliph Hazrat Umar Farooq ;


If a dog die due to hunger at the bank of river of Firat, I will be asked for his death on the day on judgement.

All the above mentioned conditions are the main causes of child labour in the World.

Child Labour in Pakistan:

          As I am Pakistani so i would like to discuss the child labour in Pakistan. Child labour is common in underdeveloped areas of Pakistan as well as in the biggest cities of Pakistan like Lahore, Gujranwala, Quetta etc.

                                        A child sleeping at work place


                                                  The image is taken from .

            The condition of  Economy of Pakistan is getting worst day by day due to poor governance.People are helpless and not having any sources of earning, so the parents need to throw their children in the fire of child labour. In Pakistan, a middle class person has to feed his whole family (which includes about 8-10 members including his parents wife and children) for only $5( which is his daily earning).  So it is nearly impossible to survive on those $5 in the area where the costs of daily use of things are too high. So looking at these a person do not have a second option to earn a living instead of sending his child to the work.

                                       A child working in a workshop


                                                        The image is taken from .

In most of the cities of Pakistan children are forced to work in automobiles workshops. It is so common in Pakistan that you will never see a shop without a child. There must be a child working in the shop already. The rate of child labour in the Pakistan is increasing with so high rate that it is now looking difficult for a child to get a piece of work.

                                           A child searching for work   


                                                            The video is taken from

So there is another point which cause poverty is, when children do not find any job they just start working on low income and some of them just start begging in the streets and on the roads.

                                           A child begging in street


                                                  The image is taken from

Another work which is popular for child labour in Pakistan is working in Brick Companies. This is also one of the dangerous sort of works. Parents took tender of doing a particular work in the company and than bring their children along them to work to gain more profits. 

                                    Child working in bricks company


                                                     The image is taken from 

World Day against child labour:

         The World day against child labour is 12th of June every year. It was first launched in 2002, by International Labour Organization to raise an awareness to stop or prevent  the Child Labour in the World. So overall 16 World labour days are celebrated so far.  And the outcome of all these celebrated days is very positive. The people are getting more awareness day by day which is positive thing for the World.  And the result of this awareness is, the child labour is decreasing day by day.


                                            The image is take from


         The Child Labour must be vanished from the society if we want a colorful, progressing and well balanced society. Because Child Labour is such an abuse for the society which will ruin the whole society one day. So the need is, Government should take bold steps in order to decrease the child labour. If the parents are given good jobs they will never send their child to the either workshops or to brick companies. The rich persons of the society  need to donate for the needy families. And ILO need to give more awareness to the society against the child labour. This is the only way to stop child labour.  If you have more suggestions related to the topic you can suggest me.


                                                        The image is taken from

That's all about my post. Hope you will get some awareness about child labour and you will do a few short steps in your streets and cities just to stop child labour around you.








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