Computer Training Classes in Hatifi High School

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Somiza azimi is happy to teach the student with information technology beside of that the student are helping and like her teach. About 100 students in different shifts and classes are participating to this computer training courses in Hatifi high school. Their computer teacher said that “ In the first days they didn’t understand anything about computer programs and even didn’t recognize computer and now they can work this program and understands this method and they are really appreciate and thankful from Film Annex that provide these classes for them” .


Somiza is preparing internet concepts and theories in the chapter for the student to they understand better the internet and then she would like to teach them practically in the following week.



About the author


Established in 1938, Hatifi High School is one of the largest schools in Herat, Afghanistan and has 8300 students. The students attend the classes in rotations. The school offers 116 classes only for female students. Film Annex and Citadel are building an INTERNET classroom at Hatifi High School in June…

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