Conception of the Idea & Film-process of "NATURALEZA MUERTA"

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Hi everyone,

I'm writing for the first time on this page, and about the film process and conception of the idea, of one of my first short films. Hope you enjoy it!

The short film was thought as a documentary, and was made during my 3rd year of my film studies. That was in 2010, a long time ago… almost 4 years. It all started with an image i saw always in the street, and that caught my attention: a flower growing up in between the cement. For me this image represented (and still represents) the nature trying to reborn in an environment that humans had taken away. 

I think we must understand that we are part of this nature, and not that we have more power than it. I think we've always abused our power. Basically, the idea of the project was to raise awareness about this.

Narratively, the film represent a war between humans and nature. Starting from the basis, that an environment began as natural and then we were destroying and building on it, for our own benefit. But the story didn't end here. Nature presents itself violently in front of our eyes with natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, etc. And this is the only moment that we realize: "we have not so much power as we thought".

But, how do we represent all this in images? That was one of the problems we had, it's very difficult to work with two such broad concepts. And more difficult if we work with reality. We even shoot some images during the editing process, because the film was always changing.

I realized with this short-film, that It is very important for any project to research on other fields, and not stay only in the artistic area. We investigated the anthroposophical theory of the absence of straight line in nature, and finally we decided to represent those broad concepts with metaphors. Therefore, we associate "nature" to "curve" and "slow time", and "human" to "straight line" and "accelerated time". 

The shooting process had two faces. Sometimes we had everything under control, and other times we followed our instinct to capture unique moments of reality. I always remember that when we was searching different types of "lines" in the city, we use a template and put it in front of the viewfinder of the camera, to capture always the same position of vertical and horizontal lines. 

The short film became less conventional as we thought. We used a mixture of different media formats (16mm, 8mm, MiniDv), capturing different places of Chile, and accompanying all with a sound design without dialogue.

This idea was carried out thanks to a great team, that supported me since the beginning of the project. We developed the film, and each one was contributing from their discipline: photography, editing, sound and production. I think it was one of the best experiences of working group, I had when I was studying at University. 

Thanks for reading!

You can see and comment the film here:




About the author


Director and writer, she was born in 1989 in Hamburg, Germany. At the age of 9 she moved to La Serena, Chile, and then to Puerto Montt, where she finished her high school studies. Currently she studies Film Making at University of Valparaíso, where she has made some short films;…

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