Democratizing Education

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I really do enjoy being part of Film Annex and as a corollary, the Womens Annex. I consider myself a feminist as I truly do believe in the equality of genders. That being said, I am not naive enough to believe that there are not differences between the two.

Not just genetically (XX vs XY) but primarily in the way that the two are treated both historically and presently around the world. The only true difference being their genitals. I was a guest at the University of Toronto's Tedx Womens Annex. I was proud to say that I was not the only male in attendance in this very important event.

I was inspired by the speakers and came up with a line that I believe to be unique: Boys and Girls are very different; Men and Women are not. Since then I have been inspired to make the world a better place by realizing that the continued discrimination of half of the world cannot be allowed to continue.

For that reason I continue to write. Every word makes a marginal difference if it inspires even one person to do the same. To spread awareness of this issue and support the various worthwhile causes around the world. I started my website: in order to consolidate the information I acquired at U of T for the rest of the world to enjoy for free- it always will be. I started my foundation in order to help any other way that I can.

The UN sponsored International Womens Day raises awareness about the various issues that plague females around the world. Much like Christmas, one day does not feel like it is enough.  Continued pressure on government agencies to both legislate and mandate equality is necessary. The enforcement of these policies is just as important. Everyone can contribute so please do what you can.

About the author


I am a University of Toronto student and aspiring politician. I believe that there are always two sides to a story and attempt to actively seek out the less popular opinion. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, in fact I encourage debate but lets keep it civil.…

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