Developments in Manchester

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Howdie Folks!

Just a small update about how I'm progressing in Manchester!

If you don't already know, myself and three other filmannex'rs, Sorcha Anglim, Jack Tew and Andy Parker decided to make a move to the North of England in an attempt to mix and whisk our creative minds into one enormous juicy cake.

Filmannex has been a fantastic opportunity in supporting our development and the revenues earned from our webTV's has made our progress race ahead!

Personally I've been doing a lot of research into effective viral campaigns with some fab suggestions from Jack Tew, definitely opening my mind to new ways of thinking! I think it's time to push the boat out....

We've been working hard to create a brand for ourselves and make connections with smaller businesses in Manchester and as it stands we've even managed to blag a free office space!

I can't reveal too much just yet but be sure to check out our new combined WebTV and progress blog when we get it up and running! 

Below is a happy snap of us getting down to business :)


About the author


I make short films for a hobby! Despite 7 years studying towards a professional career in the medium I have found freedom of film-making and self expression doesn't come with a pay check...I have a huge interest in Youth/Community development that I like to blog, photograph and film :)

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