do you ever eating rats ?? typical extreme food Manado

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You can test his nerve in the culinary specialties of Manado eating this one. Yup, this typical food made ​​of roasted meat forest rodents as well as other meat consumption. White tail is what specifically distinguishes the home or street rats. They get these rats in large trees such as palm trees.
mice is enough food in the favorite people of North Sulawesi. However, not all mice can be processed into food that spoil the tongue. Before cooking, the rats first cleaned by burning and then partially removed its entrails then processed. By local and foreign tourists, typical food of North Sulawesi is categorized as one of the culinary extreme. Society processing meat (without the tail), with stem spiced concoction of onions, basil, lemongrass, chili, goraka, lemon leaves, turmeric, coconut head.

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