Do You Use Dim Lighting When You Sleep at Night?

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Can you sleep in a totally dark room? Or do you prefer a room with some light? As for me, I prefer the latter. I don't want to sleep in a very dark room because I find it hard to breathe when I have a bad dream.

Of course, a very bright room is not good as well because not only will it discourage sleep but also it's a waste of electricity. That is why I installed a dim light bulb in my room to strike the middle point between absolute darkness and complete brightness.

This way, I can save a little electricity and I don't find it hard to breathe when I have a nightmare. Plus, dim lighting is romantic too, and I feel it provides a conducive atmosphere for a good sleep. Should you want to install a small light bulb for a dim light, choose the red light because it does not disrupt sleep.

* Warning: This blog is my original work. Please don’t plagiarize.

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Once you question your own beliefs, it's over.

-- Naruto

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