Duck eggs - delicious food, precious tonic

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From long, duck eggs were our people and some Asian countries considered delicious food, precious tonic. To make use of this right is accompanied by spicy laksa leaves fresh and fresh ginger.
From long, duck eggs (TVL) was our people and some Asian countries considered delicious food, precious tonic. To make use of this right is accompanied by spicy laksa leaves fresh and fresh ginger states only, served with boiled TVL just finished hot, dotted with little salt to taste mouth roasted.

Nutritional value of TVL

In our country there are many kinds of ducks, but two kinds of duck eggs are often bred for duck duck grass and India. Small grass duck eggs, each approximately 60-65g results. India duck larger eggs, each approximately 70-80g results. During the development from egg to egg duck duck (duck embryo), a number of substances consumed transformed into substances necessary for the growth of the fetus duck create nutritious value of TVL.

Laksa leaves

According to Oriental medicine: laksa leaves, also known as hydrotherapy, old willow. Laksa leaves aroma, warm, canopy welding work, the target, sight, antiseptic. Moderate eating laksa leaves alive, warm hearted, strong legs, knees, eyes bright. Many students eat hot and cold air decreases, reduced sex drive. Menstruating woman eating laksa leaves many students live easy bleeding. Using external laksa leaves can treat dark rustic (retired or soak up the wine characteristics to illuminate). Snakebite cure: more with one of the other herbs laksa leaves with fresh, drinking water pound, and she replied in the bite site.

Delicatessen - all tonics

Recipe name - all drugs commonly referred to simply as "duck eggs", including 1-2 TVL boiled hot new fruit and spices: 5 g fresh ginger states only, 5g fresh chopped laksa leaves and salt roasted canopy Small, often eaten at breakfast in the morning.

Capabilities, sophisticated medicine "duck eggs": TVL is you, is effective: tu tone, blood sugar, handy location, good eyesight and helps your body to grow quickly. Laksa leaves is supporting work eyesight, strong leg pillow, warm belly. Fresh ginger is added, it stimulates digestion, strong heart, detoxifies the food and combat sexual dysfunction (both male and female).

Food supplements: vitamins A TVL have (retinol) and the amount of vitamin A (beta carotene) is quite high - the substances must have a sufficient amount of oil needed to dissolve, a new body was fully absorbed. Vegetable oils are good for the human body as the oils of sesame, peanuts, soy (rich in unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3). Therefore, additional food is best accompanied with 1 disk TVL boiled peanuts (or peanuts) or simply by taking 1 tablespoon soy oil (or peanut oil, sesame oil, olive oil).

Dosage: Children 5-12 years of age 1 results TVL / day.

Children over 12 years old - adult use 1-2 TVL fruits / day.

Eat early morning accompanied complementary dishes.

Materials: minimum 15 days - for child stunting, eat regularly every day 1 was until 16 years old (90% of those allowances in TVL many days, has improved height and physical strength than a supplement other). Adults should take about 60-90 sick days. In the time allowance in TVL, to combine eating enough (especially fresh fruits and vegetables clean) work or study are progressive. Quit tobacco, pipe tobacco, alcohol restrictions. Regular exercise and moderate strength.

Caution: during training by TVL should limit eating liver (chicken, duck, pork, beef ...) or vitamin A pills have content on 1.000UI - Because of 100g duck eggs had 3.914UI vitamin A, vitamin excluding A.

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