Effects of computers and how to overcome eye

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Today, in modern industrial life (age where information technology specifically developed), vehicle computers becoming indispensable work. It helps a lot of work to be handled quickly, efficiently and conveniently; but besides that, the computer also cause nuisance, significantly affected the lives and health of the user, including the eyes.

If you regularly use a computer, you may encounter some instability problems called visual eye syndrome by using a computer (Computer Vision Syndrome - CVS), including the expression: eyestrain, dry eyes, bulging glare, photophobia, lacrimation, blurred vision, headache, fatigue shoulders, neck ...

The focus is too much on the computer screen for a long time makes me forget to blink. According to the biological life of the eyes, people blink an average of 20 times / min, from the tears that are adjusted reasonably sufficient to wet the eyes. When we concentrate before a computer screen or in a long time, the number of blinking decreases to 1/3 or 1/2. And that led to dry eye, leading to bulging, burning, redness. Symptoms worse in people with dry eye, refractive error, the elderly ...

The moderator of the eye muscles to exercise in conditions close look lasted create eye fatigue. On the other hand, the computer screen has a major influence on the eye: the characters on the screen with less sharp edges than the letters printed on paper, so the eye does not handle characters on the screen as well as on paper, it will be harder in maintaining a focus on computer screens, especially for prolonged periods of time will make much more eye fatigue. Light reflected from the screen too much or high intensity, position the monitor is not correct ... are making more eye fatigue, discomfort.

Refractive eye is not adjusted or modified glass lens fitting, along with the time prolonged mechanical work also make more eye fatigue, discomfort.

The fix:
- Blink: Notes blink more often, do not strain the eyes too long to focus on computer screens. Can use artificial tears to the eyes investigations support.

- For placement of the screen in a window, not the sun shines on the screen or eyes. The screen need eyes spaced 50-60 cm, the center of the screen should be set lower than eye level from 10-20 cm because the eye will work more comfortable when I glanced slightly to reading or close work, the keyboard should be placed by eye from 30-40 cm. To reduce the amount of radiation from the screen to your eyes, so put the filter screen or liquid crystal display (LCD Display Liquid Crystan) principle: the use of matrix material between the polarized liquid crystals dissolved. When current is passed through the liquid, this will make crystals arranged in a row against light, thereby limiting eye strain. Also need regular dusting the screen as much dust will reduce the average contrast of the screen.

- It should be noted in enough light where computer: turn off the lights on the ceiling if too light, too dark if you should have taken extra desk lamp, lamp placed in position so that light is not reflected onto the screen .

- Adjust font size of the text page on the ideal font size: 3 times the minimum font size that can be read, select black text on a white background, or dark text on a light background.

- Need for eye rest time 10-15 minutes between each hour worked by a computer. When should stay away from her eyes, cool - the eyelid gently away and relax.

- Note supplemented diet rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, E, C, B2, ... can be found in green leafy vegetables, red fruits ... and do not forget to drink plenty of water.

- For timely examination ophthalmology, refractive error detection and proper adjustment of the need for eye glasses. Especially seeing eye abnormality situation needs to be examined early in the ophthalmology facility to have the best advice for the health of your eyes.

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