Sleeplessness or fitful sleep is a problem that can occur in almost everyone, especially people middle-aged and older. Although it is not a disease that can pose a serious risk to life, but could not sleep or get Paper distribution is not enough really missed impact on awareness functions and memory functions brain. If you will make an impact on the thinking while you work will lead to errors know it. Heavier than this distribution may lead to blood we risk weight have heart problems. 5-point solution of expertise in which we present you try:

1 to avoid watching television before going to sleep or watch TV go to bed:
A place to sleep should be prepared for 2 1 for 2nd row and for the relationship between men and women. The research showed that many problems could not sleep well because they watch TV in the bedroom or mobile Visual soon asleep.

2 Please change the pillow or mattress:
It's really scary and family would not even think that most people prefer to use the same pillows and mattresses for years. Did they really give what you need? Have you ever got out of bed and fed back? Do you drink distribution sleep or when changing a place to sleep? All this is a question you ask yourself whether bedding - pillows used for years of damage distribution. Zhou environment Bed is an aid to get distribution sleep.

3 - Avoid eating coffee items ranging from the evening:
Did you know that even the number of coffee items ranging from the very little that you get 10-12 hours before go to sleep can also affect eating your distribution. So please try not to drink coffee, soda or eat chocolate for testing whether the distribution of you better anyway.

4 Listen to relaxing music to attract:
 Creating habits relaxing feeling going to sleep such as listening to music, along with the use of power stage lights can one thing you need to do to give a sign to his body to go to sleep.

5 Let's try the technique mind-body:
After finishing a fun day brain and your body need a break before distribution can occur. Activities before bedtime habits such as bathing practice meditation or yoga. Try doing these activities in one place at one time every night. The iterations will be shown to your mind and body to know that the time to relax and go to sleep.