Facts About Komodo Dragons

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1. A Komodo Dragon was once given to President George W. Bush as a gift! He donated it to the Cincinnati Zoo, and we have a feeling the White House staff thanked him for doing that.

2. They're extremely venomous. Although it is, in fact, venom from venom glands, and not "poisonous spit," as was once believed.

3. There have been four documented cases of Komodo Dragons killing humans in the last 41 years.

4. They're phenomenal swimmers and can go for miles in the water without faltering

5. Young Komodos don't want to be eaten by their own parents (which can happen) so they roll around in poo to keep themselves from seeming delicious.

6. Sometimes their behavior, like that demonstrated in this video, is actually considered "playful" by the scientists who study them.

7. Due to their outrageously sharp sense of smell located in their tongues, Komodo dragons can pick out the prey they plan on munching on for dinner up to 2 miles away.

8. You may think YOU eat a lot, but not like the dragons...they can eat up to 80% of their own body weight in a single meal!

9. The ladies don't need a man to reproduce. #Independentwomen

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