Free Writing #3

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Good Evening Folks. I'm here again free writing looking for material to write about, racking my brains for something of substance to share to whomever might find themselves wanting to read this. I'd like to be able to write something that matters so as not to waste your time.

This brings my thoughts into ideas of what matters to me; thinking that if it matters to me, it might be worth it to share with you ( the reader ) . Family matters to me, I work and earn a decent living in order to provide for my family. As a Filipino, I consider myself a hard worker.  However I find that compared to Americans my work product is considered light. Which means I supposedly produce work of less value compared to my foreign counterparts. I find myself wanting to produce more, which might mean more hours of work.

I however am reminded that I work to provide for my family. If I decide to work more hours it takes from my time with my family. I am torn between spending time with my family, and spending time working to provide better with my family. I guess this is the balancing beam that I traverse, Family Time or Family Wealth.

I have yet to decide either way but I am certain that Family Matters to Me.

I hope I have shared something of substance tonight, I bid you good night.

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