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There are different kinds of hobbies in human’s life. Everyone has his own choice in selecting his or her hobby. Some like gardening, hunting, reading, swimming, and some like long drives. I like to do gardening in my free time in my own garden for almost one to two hours daily.

I have my garden in 800 by 800 square foot area, which is on the back side of my house. I have arrange my garden with different fruit trees, flowers and vegetables. There are tress of apple, orang, lemon, grapes and guava trees.

There are different kinds of vegetables as well in my garden in which few are my favorite like carrot tomatoes potatoes garlic pumpkin and red chili. They all are arrange in a proper method. The fruit trees are plants on the boundary of the garden while vegetables are in the central portion of the garden.


Different kinds of flowers are also cultivated in the garden. There are different types of rose flowers like Red Rose White Rose Pink Rose Yellow Rose and Orange Rose. The presence of rose flowers make my garden more beautiful and fresh.

I go to my garden daily especially in morning and garden in evening time. I go in to my garden for watering the plant. My activity makes me fresh and healthy. I also earn some money from garden by selling different things in market. It also help me to maintain my monthly budget properly. As I used fresh vegetables in different other things for cooking from my garden.

My garden is also a beautiful and bewitching site for all the visitors including my family members, my friends and our guests. Whenever I feel some kind of stress on my mind I used to go in to my garden where my mind become fresh due to fresh air blowing in my garden.

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