Importancs of Physics

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As we all know everything in this universe has its unique importance. If we consider the importance of science in our lives then the main and attractive branch of science which comes to our minds is physics. Physics has great impact in today’s developmental era. Everything around us which is in our daily use is the development of physics.

If we look back in the history of different sciences then we came to know that the major work was done in the field of physics as compared to other sciences. The history of physics is divided in to two portions, The Classical Era & the Modern Era. The classical era is before 1900 while modern era is from 1900 to up till now.

In the classical era the main work was about different theories and was about the law. At that time there were different ideas of different scientist. The main contribution in the classical era was by different scientist.They all have discussed the different ideas of each other in different manners.


All the new development in this resent work is the result of modern era. Now a days we can do every work in fraction of seconds we can search each and every thing in few seconds by internet. We can connect to the people in the whole word with the help of cell phone and much more is only because of the development of physics.

Now the whole world is become a global village. Physics has made one’s life much easier than ones thought, and it’s just because of by the physics.

As we all know everything in this universe has its unique importance. If we consider the importance of science in our lives then the main and attractive branch of science which comes to our minds is physics. Physics has great impact in today’s developmental era. Everything around us which is in purr daily use is the development of physics.

If we look back in the history of different sciences then we came to know that the major work was done in the field of physics as compared to other sciences. The history of physics is divided in to two portions, The Classical Era & the Modern Era. The classical era is before 1900 while modern era is from 1900 to up till now.

In the classical era the main work was about different theories and was about the law. At that time there were different ideas of different scientist. The main contribution in the classical era was by newton, by Rutherford, by neilbhor, by Einstein and by plank. They all have discussed the different ideas of each other in different manners.

All the new development in this resent work is the result of modern era. Now a days we can do every work in fraction of seconds we can search each and every thing in few seconds by internet. We can connect to the people in the whole word with the help of cell phone and much more is only because of the development of physics.

Now the whole world is become a global village. Physics has made one’s life much easier than ones thought, and it’s just because of by the physics.

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