Health benefits of Neem Leaves

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In India maximum people are having Neem plants around their yard but don't know the beneficial parameter of this leaves ,Neem leaves having a wide range of activities from Antifungal,antibacterial because of the compounds it contains like nimbidol and gedunin.Neem leaves benefits are many and me pointing some as followings :-

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1. Neem leaves facepack are high grade choice for people to treat acne,it also acts as a good moisturizer on skin which can free us from several skin infections .

2. Neem leaves boiled water if can be taken orally in some amount daily ,that can help us to purify the blood vessels and keep us fit and fine .

3. Neem oil if they can be applied on skin daily as massage oil ,several types of arthritis can be solved and its best for kids to get rid of skin problems and give nourishments.

4.Chicken Pox treatment is done by Neem leaves because it acts as a powerful ant bacterial and anti viral agent,people are putting the neem leaves on the bed of the pox patients . 

5.Neem leaves are very good agent to be applied on the hair so that we can get dandruff free glossy hair free from dry scalp.

6.Wash your eyes daily with neem leaves boiled water ,your eyes will be free from any infections and conjuctivtis.



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